3 Replies to “Access the Learning State Audio”

  1. Hi Gemma,
    Great new website. The intro to this section is just the ticket.
    I’ve had this MP3 for a week now and have listened about four or five times (with varying amount of success at staying awake/focussed). Each time I listen there is something new that I pick up on.
    For others wanting to ‘access the learning state’, WARNING this is not a magic pill. After one listen, you won’t be speed reading your personal library or recalling every fact or figure that you have ever learnt. Which is a shame, as I suspect I deluded myself into thinking this way.
    BUT, an excellent purchase none-the-less. I have found myself using this MP3 to relax after a stressy day at work, easing away the thoughts and worries of the day. Simultainiously I am now starting to feel the intended benefits. Honestly, I think I still need to listen many more times before I get the full benefit. Gemma? Am I on the right track?
    Summary: For me, a good buy. Great for any busy professional who wants to multi-task relaxing with learning after a long day!

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