Part 1 & 2: NLP Practitioner Home Study & Live Training is Accredited by:

If you’ve nailed the NLP Practitioner and you’ve got an itch to know more, then The NLP Master Practitioner home study programme is going to stretch your mind in ways you never before thought possible. This is NLP at a whole new, grown-up, supersonic level.
Read through the following and if you can make sense of it, you may be ready for the Accredited NLP Master Practitioner Live Training:
10 steps to understanding yourself
- Every second, it is estimated that your nervous system receives around 2 million bits of important sensory data about the events that are happening around you. You interpret this information via your 5 senses, visually (sight), auditory (hearing), kinaesthetic (feeling & touch), olfactory (smelling) and gustatory (tasting).
- Of course, we are not aware of 2 million things happening every second (because we’d go crazy!) so our mind filters the information into about 7 bits. To filter 2 million bits into 7 bits, it deletes some things, distorts and generalises.
- Deletions are important because they stop us from being bombarded by information that isn’t relevant at the moment. For example, as you read this, you were probably not aware of your breathing until it was brought into your awareness. If a person is depressed, they may be deleting happiness from their awareness, NLP uses a linguistic tool called the meta-model which can highlight the deletions a person is making.
- Distortions are when we use our imagination typically to make things seem better or worse. It's a form of exaggerating that allows you to turn the words you read in a book, into pictures that you see in your mind. This skill can be useful in helping us prepare for situations we have not yet experienced so that we use our imagination to practice the best possible outcome.
- Generalisations help us to relate things we are learning to what we already know. It also prevents us from having to relearn something every time we do it, such as riding a bike. Generalisations can be limiting. If a bad experience leaves us with negative beliefs, it limits our world. For example, if someone had a bad experience at the dentist, they may have the belief that all dentists are terrifying. The NLP belief change intervention will replace the disempowering belief with a more positive one.
- Using the 7 bits of information that have been filtered we recreate the outside event inside our minds. This is called an internal representation. This means that what we represent to ourselves inside our minds is never true to what is happening in the event (because we have deleted bits, distorted bits and generalised bits). We all delete, distort and generalise differently, so we all have different experiences in life.
- The things we create in our Internal Representation affect the way we feel. In NLP, we call this 'state.'
- State affects our physiology (what we do with our bodies), this is why happy people have a much more upright posture, and depressed people slouch downwards.
- State, Physiology and Internal Representations are interlinked and affect each other. This is why lucky people seem to attract more luck and unhappy people seem to attract more problems. We are designed to attract more of what we focus on.
- Our State, Physiology and Internal Representations account for the behaviour we then exhibit which affects the results we get. Good results or bad results, either way, we get results, NLP just ensures you are getting excellent ones!
Part of this programme revisits some of the NLP Practitioner material but utilising those skills on a more technical level.
The rest of the resources focus on new NLP techniques and strategies that you haven’t even heard of before.
This is what is included:
- Personal emotional values and the values of others that drive our emotional needs in our lives
- Identifying and healing values that are in conflict
- Change values
- Identify the matrix of a personality using Meta programmes
- Use Meta programmes and values in management, sales and recruitment
- Compulsion blowouts
- Advanced strategies
- How to change a persons strategy in business, therapy or relationships
- Model excellence in others and install the model within yourself.
- Advanced Conversational change and Linguistics
- Use time in your language to create movement in a stuck problem
- Change a person's beliefs using conversation
- Sleight of mouth patterns
- Meta Model III
- Experience an introduction to quantum language and how it can create personal change
- Learn the process for personal empowerment
- NLP Presentation Skills and NLP training design
- Creating metaphors
- Patterns of indirect suggestion
- The Agreement Frame
- Creating embedded commands and using hypnotic language
- Deductive and inductive language patterns
- Hypnotic healing
This training is 10 days in two blocks of 5 consecutive days. It includes Part 1: NLP Master Practitioner home study theory training.
The training dates can be found here:
You must already hold an NLP Practitioner certification to be able to join the Master Practitioner Training. If you are not an NLP Practitioner, you can find out more about that training here:
Accredited NLP Practitioner Training: Part 1 (pre-course home study) & Part 2 (live online training)
This complete training includes:
- Part 1: NLP Practitioner pre-course home study kit contains 4 ½ hours of NLP audio CDs and 177 pages of meaty master practitioner manual presented in a People Building hardback ring binder.
- Part 2: NLP Practitioner Practical Application Training is 10 days of live online training from 9:00am - 6:00pm in two blocks of 5-consecutive days. (Calendar)
From 9am - 6pm you will be joining our trainer, live on Zoom to rehearse your practical application of the strategies you have been studying.
In addition to your training and resources, we will
- Pay for your enhanced DBS check (if we have not already done one for you)
- Pay for your first 3 months of membership with the ANLP (the largest professional body for NLP Practitioners)
- Give you lifetime access to our training videos
- Offer licenced practitioners free, anytime repeat training
- Charge zero fees for certification and assessment marking
Once you have completed Part 2: NLP Master Practitioner Practical Application Training, you are able to:
- Register with the ANLP as a Professional Member (if you are not already)
- Join the ABNLP (if you have not already)
- Use this accredited qualification in a business, coaching or within a therapeutic setting
- Join the People Building Franchisee team as a licenced practitioner for ongoing business support and professional development. (More info here:
If you would like to split your payment into two or more instalments, please call us 0345 3192 666 to arrange this. Be aware that instalment payments may incur additional charges.
Please give yourself adequate time to complete the pre-course home study programme. There are built-in assessments throughout the online pre-course study programme and you will need to complete these with a 70% pass rate, attend all 10 days of the live online training as well as perform to standard to achieve your certification.
If you have any questions, please call 0345 3192 666 or book a call back below.