Trance Forming Minds Hypnotherapy Diploma is Accredited By:

Do you want to:
- Help people improve their own lives?
- Be confident in creating a powerful and deep hypnotic trance?
- Achieve a professional, recognised qualification in Hypnotherapy?
- Make a living from helping others achieve their full potential?
Hypnotherapy is an application of hypnosis for therapeutic benefits. It can be used in areas such as medicine, sport, and for the development of a person’s well-being.
It is no surprise to discover the diversity of problems from which people suffer. We’ve found that by far the best approach when using hypnosis, is to treat everyone as an individual. We’ll teach you exactly how to unravel a client's motivations for change in our Hypnotherapy Diploma Training.
The reason we say that people “create” their problem is because the only world that really exists, is the one we create within our own minds. However, since we are creatures of habit, and regularly hard wire our nervous system to perform specific acts, emotions and behaviours, it becomes easier to understand how people believe that the problem is outside of their control.
Hypnosis enables the mind to focus and concentrate on producing a state of deep relaxation. Throughout this process, the mind is more open to suggestions, allowing changes to be made in perception and behaviour, for the benefit of health and wellbeing. Our Trance Forming Minds Hypnotherapy Diploma Training is not just about getting good at the art of hypnosis. We want you to excel at providing your clients with the best therapeutic experience so that you will help them to create changes that last. We want you to help your clients make powerful, life changes.
Using your imagination is a mild form of self-hypnosis. This tells us that trance is a perfectly natural and normal phenomenon.
During hypnotherapy, the trance is aided by focusing on the hypnotherapist’s voice. When you focus in this way you can ignore, if you want to, many other distractions that may be around you.
How a hypnotist uses their voice can deepen or lessen the trance experience for a client. This is a secret skill that is rarely revealed by hypnotists, but we’re going to teach you exactly how to do it.
Whilst in hypnosis you are neither fully awake nor fully asleep. However deeply you may go into hypnosis, you will remain in control of the situation and will continue to receive important sensory data.
Hypnotherapy has helped many people to overcome minor and more serious problems. We live stressfully and pressured lives, and it’s good to know that there are ways to relieve these problems without pumping our bodies full of drugs. Hypnosis has been accepted as a valid therapeutic technique by the British Medical Association since 1955. Conventional medicine is more aware of the connection between body and mind and to achieve a sense of well-being, harmony must be maintained in both.
The Trance forming Minds home study offered by People Building can be upgraded to a diploma certification when you attend the full training. Our diploma course has been assessed and validated at the Practitioner Level by The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (UK). Graduates from this course are eligible for professional registration with The General Hypnotherapy Register (the GHSC’s Registering Agency) at full Practitioner status, together with the acquisition of the industry-based award- The General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GQHP) and inclusion into the CRSST (Central Register for Stop Smoking Therapy.)
In addition, Gemma, who presents Trance Forming Minds has a Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice. This is because she has worked with so many people for so long.
Not because she is very, very old.
The home study course materials consist of 3 manuals (one for each module) and a DVD training set for each module.
3 Test papers are also provided.
Trance Forming Minds 1
The History of Hypnosis
The Therapy Movement
Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind
Rapport, Calibration, Pacing, Elicitation
Pre Hypnosis Consultations
Suggestibility Tests
Inductions and Deepeners
Signs and Symptoms of Trance
Post Hypnotic Suggestions and Anchors
Double Binds
Ericksonian Hypnosis
Self- Hypnosis
Resistance and Abreaction
Recommended reading:
Hypnotherapy for Dummies- Valerie Austin
My Voice will go with you- Sydney Rosen
Hidden Depths- Robin Waterfield
Gemma Bailey- Creating Trance and Hypnosis Scripts
Trance Forming Minds 2
Brain Structure
Representational Systems
Hypnotic Language Patterns, intonation patterns, embedded commands
Linguistic Presuppositions
Milton Model
Meta Model
Levels of Competency
Smoking Cessation
Ideomotor Testing
Pain management
Recommended reading:
Scripts and strategies- Roger P. Allen
Structure of Magic- Richard Bandler, John Grinder
Introducing NLP – O’ Connor and Seymour
Trance Forming Minds 3
Indirect Techniques
Double Induction
Stage Hypnosis and Rapid Inductions.
Dreamweaver Process
Hypnotic Metaphors
Common Problems and Hypnotic Resolutions
Mental Healing
Ethics and the Law
Safety in Therapy
Record Keeping
Practice Set Up
Marketing and Advertising.
Recommended Reading:
Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors- Hammond
Conjoint family therapy- Virginia Satir
Demystifying Therapy – Ernesto Spinelli
This DVD & manual home study course is taught by Gemma Bailey, a senior level Hypnotherapist and author of the Hypnotherapy book “Creating Trance and Hypnosis Scripts.”
Each module runs from 8.00am-6.00pm = 50 hours p/week
Diploma: Total classroom time = 150 hours
3x 10-hour open book tests
10 hours reading
Unlimited practice at home
Each module costs £3000 and includes all of your certification costs and exam paper marking. TFM modules 1 and 2 only grant certification in hypnotherapy.
To achieve diploma-level certification, you must complete all 3 TFM modules. Sign up for the diploma course using the 3rd link below:
Sign up for Trance Forming Minds Hypnotherapy Diploma (modules 1, 2 & 3) today and receive a signed copy of creating trance and hypnosis scripts, the best-selling book by Gemma Bailey.
Click here to book TFM part 1 now (£3,000 inc VAT).
Click here to book TFM part 1 & 2 now (£6,000 inc VAT).
Click here to book the full Hypnotherapy Diploma now. (TFM 1, 2 & 3) (£9,000 inc VAT)