Part 1 & 2: NLP Practitioner Home Study & Live Training is Accredited by:

NLP is an understanding of how we code our life experiences and give them meaning. By understanding this, we can use strategies and techniques to create change in our behaviour and results, which help us to maximise our potential. More and more teachers are realising the value of NLP in enabling them to become more effective at managing their own mental and emotional well-being. In fact, NLP techniques and models are now being used in a diverse range of areas including therapy, coaching and education, personal development and mental health.
NLP techniques enhance a variety of activities. Such as presenting, leadership and management and team-building. Other applications include: teaching people to communicate more effectively and persuasively, public speaking and detecting decision-making strategies in others. All of which are practical tools to achieve peak performance and boost motivation. That’s jolly handy if you’re someone in charge of motivating others.
NLP provides a model of how we communicate with ourselves and others and can be used in teaching to improve the ability to impart information. For example, identifying the natural learning styles of others and using presuppositions and language patterns to elicit states in learners that are congruent with learning. What this means is that just by using specific language techniques you will be able to activate interest and desire to listen and learn. Teachers can discover how to meet the needs of individual learning styles to offer better opportunities to their students. Our sister site, NLP4Kids, allows you to use your NLP skills with children and young people so that you can make a positive difference to future generations.
Education Support Staff and Teachers
Teachers and support staff use NLP to access instant motivation and to help students achieve consistently, desired behaviour.
NLP can be used to help pupils to increase their performance levels by using strategies that boost self-belief and motivation. Interventions include modelling and learning successful strategies from others, setting performance goals and overcoming plateaus and blocks.
Mental and Emotional Health
NLP offers a cognitive model and practical tools that can help you improve the mental health of yourself and others. It is becoming widely accepted within mainstream healthcare that there is a link between our thoughts, behaviour and health. NLP practitioners who choose to work therapeutically can help colleagues, students and themselves lead more satisfying lives in several ways. This may include changing limiting beliefs, habits and behaviours, facilitating people to manage emotions (such as stress and anxiety) and helping individuals to find meaning in life by setting achievable well-formed goals. For those interested in helping others or themselves to be free of negative emotions from the past, NLP is widely used in therapeutic environments due to the speed of the therapeutic effect. It’s speedy quick.
Doing live NLP practitioner training is the best way to become a master of your thinking and emotions. This means that you will learn how to have greater control over your own life and well-being as well as becoming able to positively influence those around you.
In days gone by, people became NLP practitioners solely to use the skills in a therapeutic context. Nowadays we are all much more aware of our own self-development and the positive effects of being able to use effective strategies to get ourselves achieve more and feel bad less. This is particularly applicable in the world of education where teachers are facing increasing workloads, leading to heightened levels of stress and anxiety.
Here are the main components of our live training which have been examined and certified as the bee's knees by The ANLP and ABNLP.
- An understanding of the Mind-Body connection
- Understand and read body language
- NLP Presuppositions which positively influence your world
- Enter someone else’s world for a greater understanding of others
- Communicate effectively
- Have better rapport and quickly gain a connection with others
- Fire off positive states in others and yourself at will (Anchoring)
- Remove bad feelings associated with triggers from the past
- Change your unwanted feelings and behaviours
- Learn to say ‘No’ whilst avoiding conflict
- Elegantly persuade and influence others
- Illicit someone’s decision-making strategy
- Understand and utilise the strategies that we each run
- Understand a person's eye movements so that you can understand the strategies they use, and custom your sales techniques for maximum results
- Design and install strategies for yourself and others to rapidly achieve your desired results
- Discover the unique ways in which our nervous system processes information from our senses
- Learn how to match the preferred sensory preferences of others to create congruent communication
- Understand other's eye movements to understand how they are processing information internally
- Understand the coding used by your nervous system and create better experiences in life
- Understand habits and create new empowering alternatives in a moment.
- Create new empowering beliefs
- Learn the Fast Phobia model to remove a lifetime phobia in minutes
- Set goals and well-formed outcomes that can be achieved with ease
- Utilise questioning techniques that help a person identify their objectives.
- Learn language patterns that create change in a person's internal representation
- Use your language to create trance in others (Milton Model)
- Use your language to get more specificity and deeper meaning within your conversation (Meta-Model)
- Influence and negotiate with ease and power
- Change others with the art of conversation to enable them to become solution-focused
- Learn about the prime directives and functions of your unconscious mind
- Use verbal and non-verbal suggestion
This training is for 7 consecutive days in an accelerated learning format. It includes our NLP Practitioner pre-course home study (which is also included in the price below.)
See our upcoming training dates here: One course runs during school term time, and one is outside of term time.
This complete training includes:
- Part 1: NLP Practitioner pre-course home study kit contains over 7 hours of NLP audio CDs, a 111-page NLP training manual presented in a People Building hardback ring binder and our online pre-course study videos with assessments.
- Part 2: NLP Practitioner Practical Application Training is 7 days of consecutive online training from 9:00am - 6:00pm. (Calendar)
From 9am - 1pm you will be revising the NLP strategies from the online videos.
From 2pm - 6pm you will be joining our trainer, live on Zoom to rehearse your practical application of the strategies you have been studying.
In addition to your training and resources, we will
- Pay for your enhanced DBS check
- Pay for your first 3 months of membership with the ANLP (the largest professional body for NLP Practitioners)
- Give you lifetime access to our training videos
- Offer licenced practitioners free, anytime repeat training
- Charge zero fees for certification and assessment marking
Once you have completed Part 2: NLP Practitioner Practical Application Training, you are able to:
- Register with the ANLP as a Professional Member
- Join the ABNLP
- Use this accredited qualification in a business, coaching or within a therapeutic setting
- Join the People Building Franchisee team as a licenced practitioner for ongoing business support and professional development. (More info here:
If you would like to split your payment into two or more instalments, please call us 0345 3192 666 to arrange this. Be aware that instalment payments may incur additional charges.
Please give yourself adequate time to complete the pre-course home study programme. There are built-in assessments throughout the online pre-course study programme and you will need to complete these with a 70% pass rate, attend all 7 days of the live online training as well as perform to standard to achieve your certification.
If you have any questions, please call 0345 3192 666 or book a call back below.