Lucia Koptakova

UK - East Midlands


Are you a leader addressing staff turnover and lack of engagement? Or perhaps you are an employee, struggling with stress or a lack of commitment to your job. As an accredited NLP practitioner with a rich background as a Hotel General Manager, I bring a unique blend of skills and experience to help you and/or your organisation achieve your personal and professional goals. I understand the pervasive issues employers and employees face with mental health and stress in the workplace. Located in Nottingham, my practice focuses on your needs through tailored individual therapies and corporate coaching and training.

Individual Therapies Tailored to You
I offer personalised therapy sessions designed to address your specific needs from my practice in Nottingham. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, or stress, or seeking personal growth, my approach is centred on you. By offering a free, no-obligation consultation session, I will quickly understand your unique experiences and challenges. I develop customised strategies that empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting change.

Using proven NLP techniques, my therapy sessions focus on reprogramming your thought patterns, helping you to break free from negative cycles and develop a more positive mindset. My goal is to provide you with the tools and support you need to lead a balanced and fulfilling life, no matter what your circumstances are at work. With a focus on your personal development, my NLP therapy in Nottingham or online is dedicated to helping you reach your full potential.

Corporate Coaching and Training Designed for Your Organisation
Drawing on my extensive experience as a General Manager, I offer specialised NLP corporate coaching and training programs mainly in Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire. Understanding the dynamics of teamwork, leadership, and customer service in the hospitality industry which experiences 54% of employees seeking new roles every 3 months, allows me to provide insights that are both practical and impactful for your organisation so that you not only get the best from your employees, but retain their loyalty and commitment to you far longer than the industry average.

My corporate coaching focuses on enhancing communication, leadership skills, and team dynamics. By identifying the specific needs of your organisation, I develop customised coaching plans that address these areas in conjunction with your human resources (HR) teams. Through NLP techniques, you and I will help your employees overcome barriers, build confidence, and improve productivity. I will help you to create a more harmonious and efficient workplace, driving success for your business.

My corporate NLP practice in Nottingham is dedicated to providing you with the guidance and tools needed to succeed and utilises measurable outcomes. Whether you are seeking individual therapy to improve your mental health or corporate coaching to enhance your business, my services are focused on you and your needs.

Contact Me Today
Ready to take the first step towards transformation? Contact me today to schedule your FREE initial consultation. Let me help you overcome limitations in skills and thinking to achieve greater levels of personal success and reliable outcomes from your teams. I am based in Nottingham, but all individual sessions are currently online.

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How Can Our Therapy & Coaching Help You?

NLP therapy, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming therapy, is a powerful approach that can help individuals transform their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It is a form of psychological counseling that focuses on the connection between our neurology (how our brain works), language (how we communicate with ourselves and others), and programming (the patterns of behavior we have learned).

NLP coaching can assist individuals in various ways. Firstly, it helps people gain a deeper understanding of their own thought patterns and belief systems. By identifying and challenging negative or limiting beliefs, individuals can reshape their thinking and create more positive and empowering beliefs.[Read More]

NLP therapy, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming therapy, is a powerful approach that can help individuals transform their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It is a form of psychological counseling that focuses on the connection between our neurology (how our brain works), language (how we communicate with ourselves and others), and programming (the patterns of behavior we have learned).

NLP coaching can assist individuals in various ways. Firstly, it helps people gain a deeper understanding of their own thought patterns and belief systems. By identifying and challenging negative or limiting beliefs, individuals can reshape their thinking and create more positive and empowering beliefs.

NLP can equip individuals with effective communication skills. It helps improve interpersonal relationships by enhancing one's ability to understand and connect with others. By learning to communicate more effectively, individuals can build healthier and more satisfying relationships.

Coaching and therapy with NLP aids in managing emotions and promoting emotional well-being. It provides techniques for regulating emotions, overcoming fears and phobias, and reducing anxiety and stress. Through NLP techniques such as anchoring and reframing, individuals can reframe negative experiences and develop more resourceful emotional states.

Moreover, NLP coaching can be helpful in overcoming unwanted habits or behaviours. By identifying the triggers and patterns associated with these behaviours, individuals can learn strategies to break free from them and develop healthier habits.

Our therapy offers a holistic and practical approach to personal growth and transformation. It can help individuals gain self-awareness, improve communication, manage emotions, and overcome unwanted behaviours. With the guidance of a skilled NLP therapist, individuals can tap into their full potential and live a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Our practitioners are often trained in other disciplines such as Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), psychology, and Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) are all different approaches to understanding and addressing mental and emotional well-being.

Counselling is a broad term that refers to the process of providing guidance and support to individuals facing personal, emotional, or psychological challenges. Counsellors provide a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. They use various therapeutic techniques to help individuals gain insight, cope with difficulties, and make positive changes in their lives.

CBT, or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, is a specific type of counselling that focuses on the connection between our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It is based on the idea that our thoughts influence our feelings and actions. CBT therapists work with individuals to identify and challenge negative or unhelpful thought patterns and replace them with more positive and constructive ones. This approach can be effective in treating a range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and phobias.

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. Psychologists use various research methods and theories to understand how people think, feel, and behave. They apply this knowledge to help individuals improve their mental health and well-being. Psychologists may use different therapeutic approaches, such as counselling, CBT, or other evidence-based treatments, depending on the needs of their clients.

IEMT, or Integral Eye Movement Therapy, is a relatively newer therapeutic approach that focuses on resolving emotional issues by working with eye movements. It involves guiding clients to move their eyes in specific patterns while recalling and processing distressing memories or emotions. IEMT aims to create new insights and release negative emotional patterns associated with past experiences. It can be particularly helpful in addressing trauma, phobias, and emotional disturbances. [Read Less]

Treatments Offered:

  • Adult ADHD
  • Adult ASD
  • anger management
  • Anxiety


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Areas Covered: Nottingham, Derby, Lincoln, Birmingham, Coventry, Leicester, Nuneaton

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Telephone Number: 07553158129

Lucia Koptakova's Qualifications:

  • Licensed NLP Practitioner