Prompted by a musical about the circus (who isn’t?!) we explore the topic of reality and whether it should supersede imagination. Are humans any good at dealing with reality anyway? And if not, then perhaps we can use our inaccurate […]
Your 21 Senses – The Not NLP Podcast: Episode 5
How many senses do human beings have? 5? WRONG! It turns out there may be a whole lot more senses than Aristotle bargained for though the exact number is still somewhat debatable and there is not total clarity on what […]
How to Improve Your Gut Intuition – The Not NLP Podcast: Episode 4
How’s your gut feeling? Can you trust it to help you make informed decisions or is it unreliable? Science is beginning to learn more about the connection between our brain and our gut and the solution to many psychological diseases […]
The Rules Were Made to Be Broken – The Not NLP Podcast: Episode 3
This show gets us debating about whether rules prevent from living free thinking spirited lives or whether they enable us to co-exist peacefully amongst our neighbours. Do rules serve or are they just a way for our to be controlled, […]
Time is a Healer – or is it? – The Not NLP Podcast: Episode 2
Can time really heal? Or does it simply magnify old wounds? Welcome back to the Not NLP Podcast! Today I have a co-host with me to discuss this topic. Meet Dan! Dan is an award winning therapist (“Outstanding Holistic Therapist […]