Are you a coach, therapist or practitioner who would benefit from developing your business and attracting more clients?

If so, I have a series of webinars that will help you to take your business to a new level…

Since 2005 I have been working as a coach and therapist with my skills mainly centering around NLP and Hypnotherapy. Over the years I have increased my client

Does hypnosis work? Learn how to hypnotise someone using our hipnosis and NLP PDF downloadsbase, set up a training company and started up a children’s franchise. NLP and Hypnotherapy is the common thread in all of my businesses and my practice has provided me with the case studies and experiences that have underpinned the other companies I have.

Way back when I first set Screenshot_09_01_2013_14_27up my coaching practice, I did so because I wanted the freedom of working for myself, to create the potential for financial growth and ultimately to feel like I was helping people and making a positive difference to the world in some way.

These days it is has evolved into something much bigger and far more significant. It’s about mental health and well-being. It’s about the ripple effect that every small change has on an individual’s life, the people they interact with and how that causes positive change in others and so on.

For a while I think I resisted focusing on the “how to get more clients” part, because it seemed in some way as if it was a million miles from the work I actually wanted to do. In addition I think it may have been because marketing was outside of my skills set and it seemed a bit “dirty” to have to think about ways to get people to spend their money, when what I really wanted to do was help and empower people.

The problem with thinking like that is it doesn’t pay the bills!

You might also have come to realise that your skill set is in “alternative” therapies or methods. That creates some challenges too. You haven’t got the professional backing of NICE guidelines or being able to say that you’re using a regulated methodology, but you know what you do is valuable. So how do you communicate about what you do without making it sound “woo-woo”?!

When you’re a coach, you’re working with people who have a desire to make their lives better. The work you do is important and it can be incredibly powerful. You can help someone to access the mindset and methods that may change their lives with tremendously, beneficial repercussions and I don’t know if you’d noticed; but there’s a mental health and well being crisis LOOMING. The world needs you right now but being a great therapist isn’t good enough – not if you’re self employed. You have to have an effective way of letting the world know that you exist, otherwise you’ll be helping no one.

Looking back on how things have progressed since the early days of running my first business, I can certainly say that I’ve made peace with the marketing. It’s about getting the balance right between doing the MAD bit (make a difference) and making money to grow the business too.

There are a few important things that will start to move your business in the right direction.

*** Nailing the process so that you don’t just do the right things professionally, but how to use those standards to set yourself above the competition
*** Choosing, and becoming known for a niche subject area
*** Identifying where your ideal clients are – geographically as well as where they are “hanging out”
*** Developing multiple marketing streams including products, webinars and workshops

Of course there are lots of other important things too, but for those of you who are thinking about setting up a coaching business or if you are already doing it but want to take things up a gear (perhaps you’re in that weird place where you’re wondering how to turn this from a few evenings a week into a full time business), then this is an opportunity for you to learn about how I have done it, and I’ll share details about the short cuts and systems I use too and how much they cost.

There are some BIG gurus when it comes to marketing and every one of them has something useful to offer. However listening to them all and applying the elements that are relevant to your business is time consuming and confusing.

So here’s what you need to know about me (if you don’t already know it)

  • I started out seeing a couple of clients during the week in the evening in addition to my “proper” job, initially charging £65 per session. Now I see between 3 and 8 clients each week on days and times of my choosing and I charge £250.
  • I first ran some workshops in a local sports centre for £5 per person per session. I now run accelerated learning programmes that cost between £1500 and £10,000 per person.
  • I used to be a sole trader and now have 3 Ltd companies.
  • I used to send out newsletters using “Outlook” and had a home made website. I now have a customer management system, I’m not sure how many WordPress websites and 2 full time members of staff (plus me.)Shop
  • My “office” used to be my mum’s back bedroom (this is true!) and now my company owns a high street premises.
  • I used to take singing lessons and now have 80 albums in the iTunes album library. (You may be wondering why this is relevant but I promise it is and I will explain why on the webinar!)

Here’s what you are set to gain from each of the webinars:

Set Yourself Above the Competition

Thursday 7th July 2016 7:30pm – 9:00pm
(Can’t make that date/time? Don’t worry! Sign up anyway as I’ll email you the recording the day after the webinar has taken place.)

During this webinar I will:

  • Share with you all of the steps you can take to elevate your professionalism that the other therapists do not consider to be important but your potential clients do!
  • How to turn your professional ethics into a marketing opportunity that will set you apart from the competition (I’ll also share our suppliers for things like insurance, DBS checks etc.)
  • A simple process that will take your clients from browsing at your services into becoming life long advocates for you work so that they do your marketing for you.

In addition:

  • There will also be some time for some Q & A once the training session is over.
  • This training will be live and also recorded
  • You will receive the training slides in advance of the webinar to compliment each online training

Purchase this webinar.

Choosing a Niche and Gaining Expert Status

Thursday 14th July 2016 7:30pm – 9:00pm
(Can’t make that date/time? Don’t worry! Sign up anyway as I’ll email you the recording the day after the webinar has taken place.)

During this webinar you will learn:

  • Why you need a niche!
  • How to decide upon the right niche area for you without excluding yourself from other potential clients
  • How to begin crafting an expert status for yourself in ways that will not require a Richard Branson sized investment

In addition:

  • There will also be some time for some Q & A once the training session is over.
  • This training will be live and also recorded
  • You will receive the training slides in advance of the webinar to compliment each online training

Purchase this webinar.

Attracting the Right Clients (and not the ones that say “How much?!”)

Thursday 4th August 2016 7:30pm – 9:00pm
(Can’t make that date/time? Don’t worry! Sign up anyway as I’ll email you the recording the day after the webinar has taken place.)

During this webinar you will learn:

  • How to position your fees in a way that allows you to work with clients that can afford you
  • How to psychologically manage your thoughts about making money such that IT’S OK TO GET PAID! (and free up your time to work with the people who need help but can’t afford it.)
  • How to add value for the client instead of allowing them to beat you down on cost

In addition:

  • There will also be some time for some Q & A once the training session is over.
  • This training will be live and also recorded
  • You will receive the training slides in advance of the webinar to compliment each online training

Purchase this webinar.

Developing Multiple Marketing & Income Streams (including products, webinars and workshops)

Thursday 11th August 2016 7:30pm – 9:00pm
(Can’t make that date/time? Don’t worry! Sign up anyway as I’ll email you the recording the day after the webinar has taken place.)

During this webinar you will learn:

  • Why your business is not secure if you only have one stream of income
  • Why no one-thing-you-do should be one only thing! (How to make something more from everything you do.)
  • The systems and tech I use to create products and the spins off of other products that I generate from these.

In addition:

  • There will also be some time for some Q & A once the training session is over.
  • This training will be live and also recorded
  • You will receive the training slides in advance of the webinar to compliment each online training

Purchase this webinar.

Sign up to any of the webinars listed above (£30 each)

Sign up to all 4 webinars and save £20