Last year when I was feeling particularly overworked, I went to visit a relatively well know therapist who is famous for having performed past life regression therapy on various celebrities.

Although I didn’t see the therapist for this kind of therapy specifically, it did crop up in our session together and I was taken back to past experiences in my life of now and also lives I may have had before now.

Past Life Regression is a form of therapy that I have dabbled in from time to time when my clients request it, but I have never found it my greatest strength. I think initially I was skeptical about the “truth” in it until I later realized that what is most important is the therapeutic value it offers.

However, I initially shied away from using that form of therapy because I didn’t have a great deal of confidence in my delivery of it.

Visiting the therapist who is an expert in past life regression, made a difference to my perspective of the therapy itself, but most importantly, the way I delivered my past life regression sessions as and when one would become necessary changed completely.

I made the decision that when I would deliver my Past Life Regression sessions (of which I’m only requested to do maybe one or two a year) that I would adapt the characteristics of the expert Past Life Regression Therapist I had been to visit.

I wasn’t a complete modelling exercise, rather I took the bits I felt at that time I was lacking. For me I really felt that I needed to use my voice differently during PLR sessions to the way I use my voice in my regular sessions.

So when I worked with the therapist, I paid a great deal of attention to the way in which the intonation of her voice danced about. I am a singer and have taken several professional singing exams, and for me, I’m always listening out for the melody in someone’s voice. Hers was very distinctive, and it’s almost as if I had to learn her “song” in order to get the intonation correct.

There was a certain way she stretched out the words at particular points in the sentence, and the way in which she paused which all became important too in me adopted the skills she has in delivering the PLR sessions.

Once I had established this, I became much more confident at delivering my own PLR sessions. I’m aware the style I use when I do these sessions, isn’t the same as my regular style but so far it seems to be working a treat. If I’d wanted to go further down the modeling route, I could have looked that the expert’ physiology and interviewed her about her thought processes, the questions she asks herself, her values, beliefs and metaprogrammes.

When you are unable to do something, finding someone who can, can have tremendous benefits. Not only do you get to experience/witness their skills, but you can start to adopt them for yourself.

By Gemma Bailey