Sometimes us human beings are so shaped and influenced by our will and desire to succeed and make good of every situation that life throws at us, we forget that there is a real reward and skill in letting go […]
Getting Help
I don’t like asking for help. I’ve realised that recently after having problems with my next door neighbour. My challenge around asking for help (I have psycho-analysed) has something to do with me being: a) Independent from a young age […]
Deciding and Knowing
Most people like to be good decision makers and most people enjoy the feeling of knowing something. When you have decided something, it brings with it commitment and comfort. These are strong emotions that have a sense of security and […]
If you’ve ever read a book The Yes Man (seen the film which isn’t nearly as good) you’ll know a thing or two about being spontaneous. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it is the story of […]
Using NLP with “Others”
One of the best things about NLP is the way in which one can covertly weave it into an everyday problem focused conversation and spin it into something more resourceful. You can talk to people and be NLPing them without […]
I Just Don’t Like Pickled Eggs
I went to a party that I hadn’t really wanted to attend. I went because I knew that in doing so I’d be supporting a friend of mine who was keen for me to be there. The party was held […]
Go Outside
I’ve noticed something. People with problems spend too much time inside. I don’t mean that they don’t get enough fresh air (though that will hardly do any harm.) I mean inside their own heads. People who worry are inside their […]
How to Reduce Stress
A life without any stress whatsoever would be dull! Stress is our natural way to respond to challenges in life. However, a lot of the stress in our lives is unnecessary and can easily be eliminated by taking a few […]