Amateur – Some people say that human beings are more motivated by pain than pleasure, so by getting the client to imagine their future in the way it would be if they continued to gain weight, will give them the […]
Weight Loss Subconscious Protection Script
Amateur – This script is useful when a client believes that their weight problems are linked to a problem from the past but are not sure how, why, or even what the problem is that is having an impact on […]
Weight Loss Change Personal History Script
Professional – This script asks the client to communicate with you using their fingers throughout their trance, so you will need to ensure that their hands are in a comfortable and visible place. Using this script with your client allows […]
Body Returning to Good Health Script
Amateur – This script encourages the client to utilise their own inner thoughts and language to help repair their body. This can be used for general stress that the body encounters or for more major ailments to promote health and […]
Self Worth in Career Script
Amateur – This script is useful for generating feelings of self worth, particularly when a client feels that they have not achieved all they have wanted to in their career. It encourages them to focus on all that has been […]
Nail Biting-Reducing Habits Script
Amateur – this script brings the old habit into conscious awareness to give the client the opportunity to decide to continue with the behaviour or not. It also integrates an NLP Swish Pattern which is used to create new neural […]
Smokers Relapse Script
Professional – Use this script when a client has had some success after using hypnosis to quit smoking, but has been tempted to re-start. It incorporates an NLP technique called a Swish pattern which is useful for creating new neurological […]
Inter-Personal Skills Script
Amateur – Use this script for clients who want to improve their communication skills in a subtle way such as by focusing on their body language and tone of voice. This will lead to the client becoming much more confident […]
Exploring Food Script
Amateur – Use this script for those who do not enjoy or avoid eating healthy foods. It encourages the client to engage in a child like curiosity around the foods that they would have previously avoided and emphasises these foods […]
Relaxing Inner Self for Healing Script
Professional- This script encourages the deepening of the trance as the client’s hand drifts down towards their lap. This script contains a *HAND LIFT* You will need to ask the client for permission to do this deepener before putting them […]