
You know I never wanted to become that person that says “There comes a point in life when…” because I heard so many adults say that when I was younger. It was a sure sign that they were old and […]

You Are Rewarded

These days we are bombarded with rewards. There was a time when rewards were for children and stickers on a star chart but now rewards have crept into the adult world. Does having a reward always lead you to behaving […]


These days we are bombarded with rewards. There was a time when rewards were for children and stickers on a star chart but now rewards have crept into the adult world. Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s and Boot’s all reward me for shopping […]

Getting Help

I don’t like asking for help. I’ve realised that recently after having problems with my next door neighbour. My challenge around asking for help (I have psycho-analysed) has something to do with me being: a)    Independent from a young age […]

Getting Grief

This podcast will teach you that there are many things that can be grieved-from a lost relationship to a situation. Plus there are some simple strategies to help you manage the effects of grief and to keep faith that you […]

Deciding and Knowing

Most people like to be good decision makers and most people enjoy the feeling of knowing something. When you have decided something, it brings with it commitment and comfort. These are strong emotions that have a sense of security and […]