I have sometimes had a gut feeling about something which I have ignored, and then paid the consequences later on.
Honesty: Is It The Best Policy?
Why doesn’t honesty always happen? What is the challenge with being honest with people? It seems that honesty is something that not all of us have mastered
Power Of The Ordinary
I’ve often mentioned in passing how important I think it is to find power in the ordinary but I’ve addressed it fully.
Responding When Under Attack
Situations where you suddenly get back footed, maybe in a meeting or a conversation, where you were not expecting what came next can really throw us. And oftentimes we don’t respond in the best way. This happens to us all of the time, so being able to respond in a better way us crucial.
The Psychology of Good Luck
I’ve had some really rotten luck recently. Some of you may be familiar with a book called ‘The Luck Factor’ by Dr Richard Wiseman; it’s a book that I’ve listened several times over, and every time I listen to it I get something new from the book. There are just four basic points that are talked about in the book, which is designed to help you be luckier.
A Dramatic Way of Life
A while back I began asking my clients if they enjoyed their job. The reason why I began asking this question is because there seem to be a pattern between job happiness and life happiness. What I mean is the […]
Setting Achievable Goals
If you’ve ever had a goal about relationships that gave you trouble in the past, you may simply need to adjust it to make it more realistic and achievable. So, you may have had a goal in the past such […]
Not Letting Setbacks Set you Back
This comes from the presuppositions of N.L.P. If you’re familiar with those you’ve probably already guessed that the presupposition that related to the title of this article is: ‘there is no failure, only feedback’. The presuppositions are convenient beliefs that […]
Breaking Behavioural Conditions – Is it Possible?
Some rules and conditions have a great purpose in life. As children we are told “Don’t talk to strangers”. For those who follow this conditioning it helps to keep them protected. But what happens if you go through life, subscribing […]