How easy is it to do more of what makes you happy – I mean, it sounds simple enough right? If you want to be happier, just go ahead and do what you enjoy…the obstacle is very often TIME. Then […]
Is Honesty Always the Best Policy? – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 11
Here we explore when honesty may or may not be the right skill to exercise and why it sometimes is avoided. (Sometimes we lie to protect other people’s emotions!) Watch on Youtube here: Missed the previous show? Thought Infections – […]
Thought Infections – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 10
Muse wrote a song about thought contagions but I want to talk about thought infections. Could it be that a negative experience from the past could cause you to make decisions and evaluation in the future that are tainted by […]
How to React When Under Attack – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 9
Here are some quick tips and strategies for keeping your cool when you are unexpectedly put under pressure. To help you avoid going into fight or flight mode. Watch on Youtube here: Missed the previous show? Dealing with Loss […]
Dealing with Loss – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 8
Urgh, loss is such a painful experience. How can we get through it as quickly as possible and in the healthiest possible way? Perhaps the answer comes from realising the opportunities that loss enables us to experience. There are, at […]