The S.M.A.R.T Criteria

My biggest issue with ‘goals’ is, that there’s no ’F’ in S.M.A.R.T and I’ll explain what I mean by that shortly. If you know anything about goal-setting, then you will have come across the smart criteria

Contagious Emotions in the Classroom

Sometimes anxiety is perpetuated by other people’s anxious responses, causing anxiety to bounces from one person to another, growing intensity until there’s some big explosion. How can we avoid escalating this? By keeping a low quiet voice. Talking quietly and […]

Getting Rid of Frustration

Even after the cause of frustration is resolved for a young person, they may still have to deal with the physical effects. All that energy has to go somewhere. You may have noticed in the classroom how this might get […]

How Relaxation Can Aid Learning

On The People Building master practitioner training course, we teach the skill of Hakalau. It ties in with what you might already know about from using peripheral vision, the eyes being open and the awareness being expanded, in order to […]