“Sometimes there are just so many choices it’s difficult to know what it is that you really want or what the right opportunity would look like. Be assured that confusion is your minds way of looking for the answer. All you have to do is relax. The right thing will be there at the right time and a good Life Coach will make sure that you can actually see it.”

Life Coaching is an effective means of establishing where you are in your life, where you want to  go, and how you will get there. It can be used to assist a person’s development in many different area’s- from self confidence, to enjoying your work, creating time for yourself or living your dreams. Some people find it difficult to comprehend what life coaching is about or why they would need to pay someone to guide you in this way. What I encourage clients to think about is, if they were to carry on doing things as they have done them, are they going to achieve their goals?

As a coach, I will support and encourage clients either in one to one coaching sessions or over the phone for a short period or a longer one. Everybody’s needs vary, and as a coach it is important to support the client in the way that best suits them.

Life coaching is not about changing yourself but becoming yourself. To be successful can take much more than accepting the life that you have, it can mean that you adapt the world to suit you, to make life work for you.

The more you know about who you are, the easier it will be to achieve what you want and to find what fulfils you.

My Life Coaching program is a combination of different ideas from NLP, Law of Attraction, goal setting and other valuable change techniques. It is my belief that by transferring the skills that I have, others can then, in the future provide coaching for themselves, rather than having to return for further coaching should they then encounter another challenge in the future. (Which life tends to ensure will happen!)

The Life Coaching program covers the following areas of development:

What areas of your life are important to you.

What motivates and influences you.

Positive and negative self beliefs.

Modelling, matching and mirroring success.

Establishing your passions and motivations.

Dealing with failure.

Making plans and changes.

Making commitments.

By Gemma Bailey