A Burning Rage

We’ve all experienced anger at one time or another, it’s in many ways a perfectly, natural and normal state, ranging from mild frustration to intense rage. When you become angry physiological and biological changes occur within the body, heart rate […]

Break Your Bad Habits

Having just looked at a list of bad habits posted on the internet, I can honestly say that whilst they are habitual repetitive behaviours, many of them are also disgusting! One site listed nail biting, throat clearing, lying, interrupting, chewing […]

Thinking Sideways

I recently saw a programme with Peter Jones – The tall one from Dragons Den – and he was talking to successful entrepreneurs. Interestingly it wasn’t just about how they’d made their millions but a study into what makes them […]


It’s interesting how our language and words can have such a huge impact. But when you really think about it, words are just labels. Without their meaning they are just a series of letters that go together to make a […]

Lack of Rapport

Rapport comes and goes. There’s a misunderstanding that once you have developed it, that’s it. No further rapport building is required and one can simply forget about it. Wrong! Rapport comes and goes. It’s strength increases and decreases dependant on […]