It’s interesting how our language and words can have such a huge impact. But when you really think about it, words are just labels. Without their meaning they are just a series of letters that go together to make a […]
Lack of Rapport
Rapport comes and goes. There’s a misunderstanding that once you have developed it, that’s it. No further rapport building is required and one can simply forget about it. Wrong! Rapport comes and goes. It’s strength increases and decreases dependant on […]
A Master Practitioner Of Problems
Sometimes overcoming challenges is easy – and sometimes less so. A great strategy for taking control of challenges is to do the absolute opposite of trying to get rid of it and instead study the skills you need and use […]
The Positives In An Away From
Think positive and always look on the bright side. Focus on what you want. Whatever you think about the universe will send your way. Your thoughts become things. Rubbish. I have consistently focused on a new car (whilst still cherishing […]
Deciding and Knowing
Most people like to be good decision makers and most people enjoy the feeling of knowing something. When you have decided something, it brings with it commitment and comfort. These are strong emotions that have a sense of security and […]
Using NLP with “Others”
One of the best things about NLP is the way in which one can covertly weave it into an everyday problem focused conversation and spin it into something more resourceful. You can talk to people and be NLPing them without […]
I Just Don’t Like Pickled Eggs
I went to a party that I hadn’t really wanted to attend. I went because I knew that in doing so I’d be supporting a friend of mine who was keen for me to be there. The party was held […]
The ME in Team
When I left my NLP trainers training, I knew that I wanted to be teaching NLP and Hypnotherapy. I knew that I would need to start up a business and start marketing it and I also knew that I couldn’t […]
What Can You Give?
The idea of giving to gain is sometimes frowned upon. It is surely much better to give without agenda, just for the sake of being a jolly good fellow! Marketing gurus would disagree. They have learned that in order to […]