
It’s interesting how our language and words can have such a huge impact. But when you really think about it, words are just labels. Without their meaning they are just a series of letters that go together to make a […]


You need drama in your life. You need it because if you do not have it, you’ll go off and unconsciously create it in the worst possible ways. Finding problems that do not exist, manifesting illness, causing rows and arguments. […]

Lack of Rapport

Rapport comes and goes. There’s a misunderstanding that once you have developed it, that’s it. No further rapport building is required and one can simply forget about it. Wrong! Rapport comes and goes. It’s strength increases and decreases dependant on […]

Awakened Trance

I’ve been dabbling a lot more recently with awakened trance. What I mean by this is giving clear instructions and suggestions to clients whilst in a fully awakened but somewhat relaxed state. It has been working extremely well with children. […]


You know I never wanted to become that person that says “There comes a point in life when…” because I heard so many adults say that when I was younger. It was a sure sign that they were old and […]


These days we are bombarded with rewards. There was a time when rewards were for children and stickers on a star chart but now rewards have crept into the adult world. Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s and Boot’s all reward me for shopping […]