When I left my NLP trainers training, I knew that I wanted to be teaching NLP and Hypnotherapy. I knew that I would need to start up a business and start marketing it and I also knew that I couldn’t […]
7 Things That Stop You
1) You tell yourself you do not have enough (fill in the gap). The gap could be time, money, support, intellect, skill. You get the idea. A very talented speaker I know once said to an audience of 6000 people […]
Making Time to Meditate (or whatever else floats your boat)
Making time to meditate is not essential. You will not starve without it, you will not suffocate without it and you will not dehydrate without it. It is not essential in your survival as a human being. However if you […]
Over the last few months I have been looking at ways in which to get my work slicker and easier to manage. This has included set blocked times for therapy, shortening the newsletter and podcast and hiring someone to take […]
What Can You Give?
The idea of giving to gain is sometimes frowned upon. It is surely much better to give without agenda, just for the sake of being a jolly good fellow! Marketing gurus would disagree. They have learned that in order to […]
New Year, New Rules
I recently had a coaching session in which I was talking about some new ideas for my business. During the session I asked the coach what I should pay in commission to a sales person (I wanted to know if […]
Being Human
Being Human I’m (as I wrote this) in the middle of an NLP Practitioner course. It’s brilliant. I love it. I love that it is full of such effortlessly simple ways of thinking to improve your results. One of the […]
The Power of Good Negotiation
In NLP there is a way of thinking about information by it’s level of abstraction. There are various different questions we can ask to take any idea, concept or thing and find out what the higher purpose of it is, […]