The Art of Good Listening

Did you ever complete a conversation with someone and afterwards, feel really satisfied that they had listened and paid attention? Likewise, how often have you experienced the opposite set of circumstances? I have a good friend who, whilst she does […]

Becoming a Hypnotherapist

Often when I write these articles, I do so for the purpose of educating the reader on the technical aspects involved in becoming an NLP Practitioner or a hypnotherapist. However I thought today that it might just be nice to […]

Change Your Life with NLP

Is it really possible to change who and how you are? Ultimately I believe the answer is yes, though some changes may be easier to achieve than others. The ease with which change can occur comes down to a few […]

Get The Career You Want

I’m going to share with you some tips and techniques that I recently shared when I was at a speaking event talking about how to get the career that you really want with Interesting Talks. It was just last week […]

Why Confusion is Good

So today I am going to be talking about why confusion is a good thing. As human beings we typically feel a bit repellent to a sense of confusion or not knowing-ness because we like certainty. Its interesting that as […]

Improving Your Language

I want to share with you today how it is that your language massively impacts upon your experience. What I’ve noticed is that when people are in a very positive state, their language (and this may just be relevant to […]

Dealing with Anxiety

I’ll talk you through some of the different techniques that can be used to help anxiety and why anxiety shows up in the first place. It is a completely natural reaction that you should have in certain situations. As a […]