Quit Weed Audio

This audio encourages you to utilise your own ability to relax using beneficial phenomenon of hypnosis instead of harmful substances such as cannabis. It also provides some leveraging techniques for those who are smoking the substance and in this instance […]

Candida Audio

This is a metaphorical audio that uses the garden as a representation for the stomach. Using antifungal treatment in the garden, gives you permission to use your own biochemistry to get the Candida under control and thus encourages the body’s […]

Loss Audio

This audio is ideally used following the death of a friend or relative, but could be adapted to include the loss of situations or objects that are causing you to feel anxious about further loss in the future. It prevents […]

Fear of Going Out Audio

This audio aids you by getting him/her to focus his/her attention outside of himself/herself, instead of on his/her own inner anxieties. It prevents you from becoming overwhelmed by the feelings and sensations you experience in your body that let them […]