Rapport comes and goes. There’s a misunderstanding that once you have developed it, that’s it. No further rapport building is required and one can simply forget about it. Wrong! Rapport comes and goes. It’s strength increases and decreases dependant on […]
Over the last few months I have been looking at ways in which to get my work slicker and easier to manage. This has included set blocked times for therapy, shortening the newsletter and podcast and hiring someone to take […]
I have a VERY USEFUL free book for you: “77 Habits of Highly Successful Coaches” AND free membership to the Academy of Professional Coaching with the option to attend a free two-day seminar (which is £299 + vat to non-members.) […]
Calling All Coaches
I have a VERY USEFUL free book for you: “77 Habits of Highly Successful Coaches” AND free membership to the Academy of Professional Coaching with the option to attend a free two-day seminar (which is £299 + vat to non-members.) […]
What Can a Life Coach Do For Me?
“Sometimes there are just so many choices it’s difficult to know what it is that you really want or what the right opportunity would look like. Be assured that confusion is your minds way of looking for the answer. All […]
Steps to Success in Life Coaching
What is the best way to move forward when you are stuck? When every area of you life seems to be deficient in some way, who can help you find the way forward? A good Life coach may be able […]