A while back I began asking my clients if they enjoyed their job. The reason why I began asking this question is because there seem to be a pattern between job happiness and life happiness. What I mean is the […]
Is Honesty Always the Best Policy? – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 11
Here we explore when honesty may or may not be the right skill to exercise and why it sometimes is avoided. (Sometimes we lie to protect other people’s emotions!) Watch on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/RzYbldUz7a4 Missed the previous show? Thought Infections – […]
Thought Infections – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 10
Muse wrote a song about thought contagions but I want to talk about thought infections. Could it be that a negative experience from the past could cause you to make decisions and evaluation in the future that are tainted by […]
Setting Achievable Goals
If you’ve ever had a goal about relationships that gave you trouble in the past, you may simply need to adjust it to make it more realistic and achievable. So, you may have had a goal in the past such […]
Not Letting Setbacks Set you Back
This comes from the presuppositions of N.L.P. If you’re familiar with those you’ve probably already guessed that the presupposition that related to the title of this article is: ‘there is no failure, only feedback’. The presuppositions are convenient beliefs that […]
How to React When Under Attack – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 9
Here are some quick tips and strategies for keeping your cool when you are unexpectedly put under pressure. To help you avoid going into fight or flight mode. Watch on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/rcbYZZhitHw Missed the previous show? Dealing with Loss […]
Me and My Personality Disorders
If you have a personality disorder, you may experience some or more or all of the following: self-injury or attempted suicide, strong feelings of anger, anxiety, or depression that lasts for several hours, impulsive behaviour, drug or alcohol abuse, feelings […]
Dealing with Loss – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 8
Urgh, loss is such a painful experience. How can we get through it as quickly as possible and in the healthiest possible way? Perhaps the answer comes from realising the opportunities that loss enables us to experience. There are, at […]
Lower Your Expectations – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 7
Often in NLP we talk about setting goals in order to do more, achieve more and to help us reach a sense of happiness and fulfilment. The Law of Attraction brigade will tell you to focus on what you want […]
How Important is Reality?
Prompted by a musical about the circus (who isn’t?!) we explore the topic of reality and whether it should supersede imagination. Are humans any good at dealing with reality anyway? And if not, then perhaps we can use our inaccurate […]