Our minds have a powerful effect on our bodies and using the skill of hypnosis, the mind can have an even greater impact. I remember once seeing a hypnotic demonstration when the patient was told during hypnosis, that they were going to be burned by something hot. The hypnotist actually touched the patients skin with a pencil no warmer than room temperature, but the skin later blistered as if it had been burned. The mind really did have a very strong effect upon that body.

The unconscious mind (with which hypnosis operates) is responsible for all behaviours, habits and emotions. It regulates our activities leading to stress and nervousness. This has not only a mental effect, but also a physical one. This means that during hypnosis, any suggestion that goes to the subconscious mind has a direct impact on our conduct and the change is not exclusive to the hypnotic state. In fact post hypnotic suggestions can ensure that alterations and improvements are continued long after the hypnotic session has ended.

Hypnosis can be helpful to those wishing to conceive as it is a natural and safe method by which suggestions can be given and the stress and pressure that may go with wanting to conceive can be alleviated, making conception much more likely, as the body generally doesn’t respond well to stress. Hypnosis is a wonderful non-invasive way to help people to be de-stressed and prepare for parenthood. It is totally a safe and easy practice.

The Hypno-fertility programme is tailored for each couple and individual to increase the likelihood of conception. It includes NLP and other mind and body techniques, which work together to explore the factors including emotional blocks, current and past fertility treatments and beliefs about becoming a parent. Negative feelings and beliefs, unexpressed emotions may be a cause of infertility. Hypnosis helps to reduce stress, increases confidence and instills a sense of regaining control. This procedure in turn maximizes the possibility of conceiving either naturally or with the help of medical assistance.

By Gemma Bailey