In NLP we have convent beliefs or ways of thinking about the world called ‘presuppositions’. One of these presuppositions is ‘You already have everything you need to succeed and to achieve your desired outcomes’. This one smacked me in the […]
You Have Everything You Need – The Not NLP Audio Podcast Episode 34
In NLP we have convent beliefs or ways of thinking about the world called ‘presuppositions’. One of these presuppositions is ‘You already have everything you need to succeed and to achieve your desired outcomes’. This one smacked me in the […]
Dealing With Loss
How do we deal with loss? And what are the best ways to process it? This is a massive topic that will affect us at some point
What is Your Purpose? – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 33
In NLP there is a technique we use for categorising the levels of specificity of our language that we use, called chunking. A question for chunking up ( the process of becoming more abstract in subject matter) is “For what […]
Internal Representations – What Are They?
I talk to you about internal representations but if you are not of the NLP world you might be wondering what on earth does she mean? Internal representations is basically the NLP terminology for what goes on in your head
How to Get Out of a Head Funk – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 32
Ever had a head funk that you couldn’t shift? Today we do some strategy elicitation to figure out how I got mine on the move…
Improve Your Gut Intuition
I have sometimes had a gut feeling about something which I have ignored, and then paid the consequences later on.
Getting RE-Motivated 2020 – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 31
In this podcast, we explore what drives you and what inspires you. I’m sharing with you tips on tapping back into feelings of motivation. As well as practical everyday solutions, we’ll look into the psychology of completion to get you […]
Honesty: Is It The Best Policy?
Why doesn’t honesty always happen? What is the challenge with being honest with people? It seems that honesty is something that not all of us have mastered
⛔️When NOT to Make a Decision – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 30
There are times when making a decision gives us certainty and clarity and a path to begin working towards. And there are times when making a decision is a very bad idea. Sometimes our emotional state can get in the […]