It’s relatively logical to assume that wherever you direct your energy, there will be increase and growth. The challenge is directing that energy towards the things that you want to grow, and not the things that are bothering or irritating […]
Using Your Voice
Having spent the weekend coaching public speakers, it makes sense for me to talk about something a little public speaker-ish! So I’d like to introduce you to a charismatic AVK sequence. NLP highlights how people can have preferred sensory preferences. […]
A Natural Swish
Partly the reason why I write this article is because I have started to notice how a swish pattern didn’t come about by chance and how, we as human beings seem to already have the Swish system integrated in our […]
But I Know a Man Who Can!
Last year when I was feeling particularly overworked, I went to visit a relatively well know therapist who is famous for having performed past life regression therapy on various celebrities. Although I didn’t see the therapist for this kind of […]
Using Failure As An Excuse
One of the key things I tell my clients time and time again is that the difference between successful people and those that are “failures” is that successful people do not believe their own excuses. They just don’t believe them. […]
Broken Bones and Hypnosis
I’m going to tell you about something I don’t think I’ve told you about before. (I’ve potentially mentioned it in the podcast.) And I know how you love stories…….. About 4 years ago, I fractured my ankle. It was something […]
Do We Ever Really Change?
How much do we really change? This is a question that came into my mind this week when I heard someone mention that old saying “a leopard never changes its spots.” We know that from 0-7 years are imprint years […]
Independant Minds Are Happy Minds
Recently I’ve been working with a child who was having some troubles with eating her lunch at school. Right before lunch time she would feel hungry, then upon arriving at the canteen she would lose her appetite. She said she […]
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight
Weight loss clients are by far the trickiest clients to help (in my opinion) because no matter what work you do to change their attitude and feelings towards food, they still have to wait to see the real results- the […]
Anxiety-The New Stress?
I’m not too sure how long ago it was when the word “stress” seemed to arrive in the English language like a fashion accessory that everybody had, but it seems to me that there is currently a new trend of […]