Ever seen an angry triangle? How about a stressed square? In this video Gemma discusses the effects of shapes on our mood- Yes I know it’s weird!
Hypnosis Scripts – Chinese Whispers – People Building vPodcast
Gemma discusses that dangers of chinese whispers and how it can be avoided using NLP techniques.
Hypnosis Scripts – PB welcome vid
This is the video for the new PB website- I thought you might like a sneaky preview….
Hypnosis Scripts – Busy People – People Building vPodcast
If you want something done ask a busy person! Stuff gets done by action takers.
Hypnosis Scripts – Persistance – People Building vPodcast
In order to get what you want you must persist. If you snooze, you lose!
Hypnosis Scripts – It’s All Unconscious – People Building vPodcast
In this episode Gemma teaches you how to get in contact with your unconscious and have better communication with your own mind. Using these techniques you may be able to jolt your mind into finding things that have been misplaced […]
Hypnosis Scripts – Distraction – People Building vPodcast
This video from People Building is all about distraction and how it can infringe upon your concentration levels.
Hypnosis Scripts – Using Language For A New Perspective – The People Building vPodcast
How we can use our langauage to take a different perspective of challenging situations.
Hypnosis Scripts – Have An Average Day – The People Building vPodcast
Gemma Reveals the importance of an average day and how it could save your life.
Hypnosis Scripts – Good Customer Service – The People
In this episode Gemma discusses the importance of good customer service in all of our relationships and offers a free hypnosis script and audio to increase creativity.