I’m going to tell you about something I don’t think I’ve told you about before. (I’ve potentially mentioned it in the podcast.) And I know how you love stories…….. About 4 years ago, I fractured my ankle. It was something […]
Take it in Chunks People Building vPodcast
This video explores how chunking can help us feel less overwhelmed and be more productive with our efforts.
Wrath – The 7 Deadly Sins Summer Series
The biological effects of the feelings of wrath and how to over come it by way of our favourite self development skills. PLUS there is a very special offer (www.specialofferfromGemma.com) from Gemma which she has previously kept secret from all […]
Do We Ever Really Change?
How much do we really change? This is a question that came into my mind this week when I heard someone mention that old saying “a leopard never changes its spots.” We know that from 0-7 years are imprint years […]
Lust – The 7 Deadly Sins Summer Series
Is it love or is it lust? Well perhaps it’s a bit of both. But did you know that you can actually cause your body to fall in love- not a natural romantic love- more of a hormonal love. It’s […]
Independant Minds Are Happy Minds
Recently I’ve been working with a child who was having some troubles with eating her lunch at school. Right before lunch time she would feel hungry, then upon arriving at the canteen she would lose her appetite. She said she […]
Creativity and Insanity-People Building vPodcast
You’ve probably heard the saying about genius being one step away from madness, well now it seems there may be a link between creativity and schizophrenia.
Gluttony – The 7 Deadly Sins Summer Series
This weeks show is all about healthy diets and the history of gluttony. Plus we explore the neurological effects of over eating and the links between food and highly addictive substances. There is also some linguistic effects to increase your […]