This audio is useful when you believe that your weight problems are linked to a problem from the past but are not sure how, why, or even what the problem is that is having an impact on your weight now. […]
Weight Loss Change Personal History Audio
Using this audio with your will have the opportunity to make changes to the way you view your unsuccessful attempts at losing weight in the past. When you are able to view the past in a more positive light you […]
Parts Therapy, Dealing with Addiction Audio
This audio is for you who has spent some time being free of drugs but has felt compelled to start taking them again. You can usually indicate a “parts issue” in you because you will say things like “part of […]
Body Returning to Good Health Audio
This audio encourages you to utilise your own inner thoughts and language to help repair your body. This can be used for general stress that the body encounters or for more major ailments to promote health and wellbeing.
Self Worth in Career Audio
This audio is useful for generating feelings of self worth, particularly when you feel that you have not achieved all you have wanted to in your career. It encourages you to focus on all that has been achieved so far […]
Improve Confidence Audio
This audio utilises a timeline technique. Time lines are useful for giving you a way of distinguishing the emotions you feel now from the ones experienced in the past and the ones you are yet to have in the future.
Confidence Within A Team Audio
Use this audio for those who want to develop confidence to allow them to speak up and join in more when in a group environment. This can be beneficial for many situations from a work setting to more social events. […]
Positive Inner Voice Audio
This audio is very useful for those who use negative self talk which leads to negative emotions. It encourages you to be kinder to yourself which will in turn help you to feel better about yourself. In doing so, more […]
Reducing Drugs Audio
This audio is used for clients who are on a drug treatment programme (such as a methadone programme) and who want to start weaning off the drug to be completely clean. This audio offers suggestions for feeling confident and calm […]
Nail Biting Reducing Habits Audio
This audio brings the old habit into conscious awareness to give you the opportunity to decide to continue with the behaviour or not. It also integrates an NLP Swish Pattern which is used to create new neural networks to provide […]