This audio gives reasons why you should stop biting your nails and using lots of imagary and sensory information it appeals to your unconscious mind which is responsible for maintaining the automatic habit. You will also discover new ways to […]
Eat Less Audio
This audio encourages you to reduce your meal sizes and food intake to assist with your weight loss. It can be used in conjunction with other weight loss audios, or on its own. This audio works on the principal that […]
Certainty for Public Speaking Audio
Use this audio for you who has a specific public speaking presentation to make. This audio gives suggestions for confidence and clear communication so that you can feel fully at ease prior to the speaking engagement instead of becoming more […]
Time for Self Audio
It is your time to relax. If any other thoughts invade this time, replace these thoughts with relaxing memories. For example, having a relaxing bath. You need to look after yourself, look after number one. Pre-frame that other people are […]
The Ultimate and Approved Quit Smoking Audio
This audio touches on most aspects involved in smoking from the negative implications of continuing to the positive aspects involved in stopping smoking. This audio also factors the in the emotional elements of smoking, such as feelings of guilt and […]
Further Weight Loss Audio
This audio helps you to focus on healthy food and provides leverage to help avoid unwanted foods such as sweet and fatty foods. This audio contains many sensory experiences encouraging you to fully engage in the different sensations you can […]
Appreciating Weight Loss Audio
This audio is great for reminding you that a setback is not the same as being unsuccessful, but a signal to do something differently. This prevents feelings of failure which could lead to comfort eating, counter acting the good work […]
Weight Loss – Enhancing Self Belief Audio
This is a useful audio to use once you are sticking to a healthy eating plan but need some belief that your efforts are worthwhile and are having an impact on your health and long-term weight loss. This is particularly […]
Leverage – Motivation to Exercise Audio
Some people say that human beings are more motivated by pain than pleasure, so by getting you to imagine your future in the way it would be if you continued to gain weight, will give you the motivation do the […]
Weight Loss Subconscious Protection Audio
This audio is useful when you believe that your weight problems are linked to a problem from the past but are not sure how, why, or even what the problem is that is having an impact on your weight now. […]