Hurrah! You’ve completed your NLP Practitioner training. The likelihood is it began to dawn on you during the training, or very soon after you left, that you’re now on your own. More importantly, that you don’t yet have all of the answers to the many questions you have about the infinite number of possible scenarios you are going to find yourself in once you start your new business as an NLP Practitioner.

I don’t want to hammer on about something your NLP Trainer would have already told you in their bid to reassure you but you’re currently in a position where you are on the course of being able to draw upon the answers you need, when you need them without even having to think about it. To get to that stage where you are confidently working with your clients, feeling fully in command of your NLP sessions, you need to do one simple thing.


I’m sure you remember the levels of competency:

Unconscious incompetence (not knowing and not doing)
Conscious incompetence (aware of what you cannot do)
Conscious competence (doing it with awareness)
Unconscious incompetence (able to do it without thinking about it)
Right now you are likely just a few steps between conscious competence and unconscious competence. You’re only a few more practice sessions from being able to use your skills in a state of flow without having to think about how you do what you do.

Typically in the world of NLP training, you are only required to complete the course once to achieve your qualification with no retraining or CPD thereafter. However, whilst that may make the option to take a course like this appealing, it is in the best interests of your skills development and confidence building to adhere to some ongoing learning.

When you continue to invest in the subject of NLP after gaining your practitioner status, you not only give yourself the opportunity to extend your learning of the subject, but you also begin to realise how much you already know. Just think about the articles you read that now make sense to you that wouldn’t have made any sense at all before. It’s a testimony to your learning and development, but like anything if you do not continue to practice it, the skills will become rusty.

By ensuring that you apply the practical skills perhaps by interacting with your local practice groups or working with some open minded friends and family, you can start to develop your own style and also learn how to react to the challenges you hadn’t anticipated whilst in the training room. If your NLP trainer offers free re-training you should take it. It’s a great way to build your confidence when you return to the classroom and realise how much more you know than the delegates who are brand new to the course. Plus you will hear the information in an entirely new way.

When you read articles and participate in online forums you will learn more around the NLP theory and alternative ways of applying the skills you have already been exposed to. At the People building Members Club we offer monthly resources such as podcasts, webinars, packs, audios and videos which direct NLP content and look at it with new meaning and in simple terms. You can get a 30 day free trial of the members club here:


By Gemma Bailey