Feeling of shame can hold us back in life, not just in terms of having the confidence to step out in life and achieve our goals, but also in the context of our relationships. Imagine attempting to engage with someone […]
Contagious Emotions in the Classroom
Sometimes anxiety is perpetuated by other people’s anxious responses, causing anxiety to bounces from one person to another, growing intensity until there’s some big explosion. How can we avoid escalating this? By keeping a low quiet voice. Talking quietly and […]
How Not to feel like Sh*t – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 20
Snap out of it! Ok, it can be easier said than done, I appreciate that. That’s why I’ve put together 4 simple things that you can do to gradually move yourself away from a state of mind that is making […]
Reducing Rage in Young People
In helping a student deal with rage, it is important to deal with any past negative emotional events that may be the cause of the rage that’s being created now. Sometimes you or they, might not know what those things […]
Getting Clear Communication – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 19
Is there a key to clear communication? Well, there’s a few actually so in this podcast we’ll take a look at just a few of them to help you get and gain the best communication with others for greater clarity, […]
Getting Rid of Frustration
Even after the cause of frustration is resolved for a young person, they may still have to deal with the physical effects. All that energy has to go somewhere. You may have noticed in the classroom how this might get […]
Accept Your Limitations – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 18
Can you really ‘be, do and have’ all that you want in life or should you just accept that it is what it is? Can NLP help? Maybe there is a realistic weird grey area in the middle, where there […]
Addressing Anger
Anger is one of the most powerful emotions that exists within the human psyche. These days, more and more teachers are faced with anger on a day to day basis, be it from pupils or colleagues. The physical effects of […]
The Power of the Ordinary – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 17
Are we too keen to get the highs of powerful emotions such as love, happiness, peace and joy? Is our quest to avoid powerful negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and depression so intense that we leap to the other […]
How Relaxation Can Aid Learning
On The People Building master practitioner training course, we teach the skill of Hakalau. It ties in with what you might already know about from using peripheral vision, the eyes being open and the awareness being expanded, in order to […]