The biggest problem with experiencing internal chaos is it limits our ability to find ways to solve the problems we have. So here in this podcast, I’m sharing with you several different strategies that you can use in the moment […]
How to Increase Self Belief
I want you to imagine in your mind, that you have got a circle and within the outer edge of the circle there are four different labels. The 4 labels are linked together by the circle. In the first labels […]
What’s Going On Inside? – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 15
Internal Representations in NLP is the content of our thinking or the confirmation of information which includes Pictures, Sounds, Feelings, Tastes, Smells, and Self Talk – So basically just what goes on inside your head! It is how we view […]
Access the Learning State
Learning new skills in life is fantastic. It can be a little demoralising when you’re in a learning environment and then you see how quickly and easily children can do it. Every teacher knows that their brains are like little […]
Get Better at Giving Up – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 14 The idea of giving up seems like a failing in hope, positivity and motivation. What happened to “never give in”? and “don’t stop until you get what you want”? Well, let me tell you, keeping on at keeping on […]
Take Control of Bad Habits and Magical Hypnosis
The topic today is all about stopping those compulsions and taking control of feeling better, about giving up those bad habits and this is in response to an e-mail from someone who sent in a great big list of things […]
Fear of The Fear – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 13
Fear can hold you back in life but even more so when the one thing scarier than the scary thing, is the fear of the scary thing! Often our perception of fear is far greater than the challenge itself but […]
You’re Gonna Have to Face it. You’re Addicted to Love.
For those of you who have perhaps had the experience of falling in love very quickly it’s worth consider the actual stages of love that you might be experiencing. Is it the true spending the rest of your life with […]
Do More of What Makes You Happy – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 12
How easy is it to do more of what makes you happy – I mean, it sounds simple enough right? If you want to be happier, just go ahead and do what you enjoy…the obstacle is very often TIME. Then […]
A Dramatic Way of Life
A while back I began asking my clients if they enjoyed their job. The reason why I began asking this question is because there seem to be a pattern between job happiness and life happiness. What I mean is the […]