When Regression is Wrong

Years ago, I had a client who came to see me because she wanted to have a session of age regression hypnotherapy. She wanted to find out if her father had sexually abused her as a small child. She had […]

When Hypnotherapy is Disempowering

As a hypnotherapist, it is easy to get sidetracked by the suggestions we give, the depth or the trance and the effectiveness of our post hypnotic suggestions. However, just as important as informing the client about what they hypnotherapeutic experience […]

How to Manage Negative Feedback

We’re very fortunate to be NLPers because there’s a code for conduct when it comes to delivering feedback. It’s called a feedback sandwich and is as follows: What was good What could be even better Overall what was great. The […]

Self-Hypnosis for Healing

Around 10 years ago I fractured my ankle. I was very fortunate to have already qualified as a hypnotherapist when this incident happened because it came in helpful many times throughout the process of my recovery. Firstly, when I was […]