Join me for this free NLP training webinar to discover how you mind processes information to shape your beliefs; how language affects your experience of the world and how you can adjust your own unique coding to get better results […]
Do You Feel Valued as a Teacher?
We’re all doing some sort of service for somebody else at the end of the day. But is it not completely and totally selfish of you to not share your talents and your true abilities? I mean let’s face it […]
The Pursuit of Change – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 25
Is it ever really possible to change or are you stuck with your current psychology? If change is possible, is it only ever to be found via conventional methods or is there a chance of change from venturing down the […]
Quiet Your Stressed Out Mind – a Guide for Teachers
If you, right now have a busy stressed out mine, I want you to do this technique. I want you to close your eyes and in your mind just say “Shhhh” you know like that quieting noise you do in […]
Preparing to Die – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 24
Death is something that will eventually come to us all so when we get there, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to look back on our lives and notice that we lived our lives in the fullest possible way […]
Dealing with Busy Brain
The main problem with being a teacher with busy brain is that it inhibits your ability to be able to focus and you want to have focus because when you have focus you have greater clarity over what’s going on […]
There’s No ‘F’ in SMART – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 23
So this one is controversial but work with me here. There’s a lot of downside to becoming a goal-setting junkie. If you’ve ever set a goal and fallen into the trap of living in the future illusion of what your […]
Communicating to Young People
In this article, we are going to focus on meta programmes which is a technique we cover in our teacher training courses. In short, meta programmes are not to do with what you think they are more about how you […]
Everyone is Doing Their Best – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 22
Everyone is Doing Their Best – Or are they? This is one of the NLP Presuppositions that can appear a little ‘sticky’ at times. If you’ve even seen someone you know behaving in a way that you know is not […]
Celebrate Your Greatness
Now is the time to stop and acknowledge your greatness – your success, no matter how big or small it is. As a teacher it’s all too easy to get caught up in the day to day and let the […]