Developments with NLP4Kids

As many of you are aware in 2007, Kay Gill and I created a series of workshops for children aged 7-14 years called NLP4Kids. Last year, the workshops took on an interesting twist when we began teaching children overseas, and […]

Self Esteem

Morris Rosenberg states that self esteem is formulated in 3 ways (1) reflected appraisals, (2) social comparison, (3) self attribution. Reflected appraisal comes from Mead and Cooleys’ idea that if other respect us and look up to us in some […]

Methods to Quit Smoking

There are several methods which are helpful to quit smoking. 1. Nicotine replacement therapy: In this method, the nicotine the body receives from cigarettes is replaced with a low measured dose. This therapy includes replacement nicotine via nicotine patches, nicotine […]