I’ve often mentioned in passing how important I think it is to find power in the ordinary but I’ve addressed it fully.
⛔️How to Feel Comfortable With Being Out of Control – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 29
Take control of your thoughts and emotions.
Fear Of The Fear
Oftentimes I encounter people who won’t try something new because of the fear of it being a bit scary or unknown. I call this ‘Fear of the Fear’
People Building February 2020 Newsletter
Read our People Building February 2020 newsletter now!
How to Improve Your Listening Skills – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 28
We all like to think we are good at listening but there is an art to become a master at this skill. Not only does it take practice, but the correct levels of concentration and engagement. Perhaps you are someone […]
Responding When Under Attack
Situations where you suddenly get back footed, maybe in a meeting or a conversation, where you were not expecting what came next can really throw us. And oftentimes we don’t respond in the best way. This happens to us all of the time, so being able to respond in a better way us crucial.
People Building January 2020 Newsletter
Embrace All of Your Emotions – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 27 It’s Just Another Wednesday… I’d like to tell you about my Christmas. In part, I’m telling you because there might come a point in the not too distant […]
Embrace All of Your Emotions – The Not NLP Podcast Episode 27
It’s easy to assume that there are both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ emotions and of course, we would want to spend our time in the positive emotions rather than the negative feelings. However there is some weight to having an open […]
The Psychology of Good Luck
I’ve had some really rotten luck recently. Some of you may be familiar with a book called ‘The Luck Factor’ by Dr Richard Wiseman; it’s a book that I’ve listened several times over, and every time I listen to it I get something new from the book. There are just four basic points that are talked about in the book, which is designed to help you be luckier.