I went to a party that I hadn’t really wanted to attend. I went because I knew that in doing so I’d be supporting a friend of mine who was keen for me to be there. The party was held […]
The Podcast, Outside
Do you spend too much time in your own head? Well that’s where all the problems are! Listen to this podcast to discover the benefits of being outside.
Go Outside
I’ve noticed something. People with problems spend too much time inside. I don’t mean that they don’t get enough fresh air (though that will hardly do any harm.) I mean inside their own heads. People who worry are inside their […]
The Podcast of Stress
Are you stressed out? Perhaps it’s time to take back the reins of your life instead of being pulled along and hoping for the best. A life without any stress whatsoever would be dull! Stress is our natural way to […]
The Podcast of Trust
We all possess some level of this important emotion already. Even if there are trust issues currently in your life there are certain things that you can continue to trust. This podcast explores the relationship between what we trust externally […]
NLP4Kids is collaborating with Empowering Learning!
NLP4Kids is very proud to announce a special collaboration with Olive Hickmott from Empowering Learning. Olive Hickmott (author of Seeing Spells Achieving) is a specialist in working with children and families who have learning difficulties. She has already trained thousands […]
How to Reduce Stress
A life without any stress whatsoever would be dull! Stress is our natural way to respond to challenges in life. However, a lot of the stress in our lives is unnecessary and can easily be eliminated by taking a few […]
The Realistic Podcast
Set a Goal? FAILED? Maybe it wasn’t realistic. You might have had all the will in the world but if it wasn’t realistic it was never going to be possible. Here we find out what it really means to “get […]